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Registration FAQs

Age groups U7 and up
We try to balance the teams according to skill, years playing, age and gender. This allows us the best method to distribute talent with new and returning players and all skill levels. Providing not only the most even player base across all teams, but helps the lower level players learn from the more experienced players on each team.

For Little Kickstarters and U5
All other age groups are evenly drafted by age and gender.

No refunds, partial or full, will be made to players who choose not to participate at any point after registration for any reason, including players suspended from the program. Registration Fees for any circumstance other than injury or parent job relocation are non-refundable.

Refund requests must be submitted by email to [email protected].

Pagnozzi Parker Scholarships

Apply for a Pagnozzi Parker Scholarship for financial assistance.

A Pagnozzi Parker Scholarship should be filled out at least two weeks before the early fall soccer registration deadline.

  1. Turn in a completed Pagnozzi Parker Scholarship form and a copy of the Soccer Registration receipt to Pagnozzi Parker Charities.
  2. We wait to hear back from Pagnozzi Parker Charities whether the scholarship has been approved.
  3. Let us know when you applied so we can work with Pagnozzi accordingly.

Download Pagnozzi Scholarship application here:   pagnozzi assistance application.pdf

Contact Us

Email: [email protected]

Pea Ridge Thunder Soccer Club
P.O. Box 1314 
Pea Ridge, Arkansas 72751


Pea Ridge Thunder Soccer Club
P.O. Box 1314 
Pea Ridge, Arkansas 72751

Email: [email protected]

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