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We invite you to be a Sponsor of Pea Ridge Thunder Soccer Club

Who are we?

Founded in 2015, PRSC Thunder Soccer Club has grown to serve not just our local community of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, but surrounding cities, counties and now neighboring states. We are a nonprofit athletic club that promotes a "Member First" mentality based around skill development in an atmosphere focused on families, community enrichment and servant leadership.

Serving Ages 3 to 18 allows PRTSC members to easily find the "best fit" for their skill level with our multiple programs. 

Why does the soccer club need you as a sponsor?

 We are a group of volunteers that completely support the soccer program here in Pea Ridge. All the funds raised support the program and the players. We have a growing program and we have growing needs. It takes people just like you to help us reach these goals and keep the program providing wholesome recreational option to our local children.

We understand businesses are approached all year long for one thing or another. Many of our volunteers are themselves, owners of a small business and are also asked to support many different events and organizations. We all give our money in support and hope in some way our dollars are appreciated by the organizations. We also hope in some way, good will is returned to your business. As you have read above in “What will you get for your sponsor funds” we are going out of our way to thank you and recognize your company as a sponsor. We make a point, at each event, to talk about how it takes thousands of hours of volunteer labor yearly and the support of our sponsors to make our events happen. Your support will make our goals happen and provide you an opportunity to support a local group that really needs your help.

Please join us as a Sponsor, we will appreciate and thank you!!

2024-2025 PRTSC Sponsor Packages

o Lightning Package: Division Sponsorship

  • Your logo on a multiple team jerseys (Single age division)
  • Email blasts to our families thanking you for your sponsorship
  • Social media posts about your business
  • Your business/name on the PRTSC website
  • Your business/name on the PRTSC Facebook

Per Season:

o Thunder Package: Jersey Sponsorship

  • · Covers the cost of a single team's jerseys.
  • · Jerseys will have business name/logo
  • · Your business/name on the PRTSC website
  • · Your business/name on the PRTSC Facebook

Per Season:

o General Donations: Any amount is welcome

· All donations made go towards providing equipment, facility maintenance and player scholarships and giving the children in our community the opportunity to play.

Email logos to [email protected]

Download Sponsorship Form: soccer sponsorship info 2024.pdf

General Monetary Donation Options:
PayPal Donation Center

PRTSC Donation

PRTSC Square Donation

Entered by customer


Equipment Donation Links:

All donations/sponsorships may be tax deductible. 

Pea Ridge Thunder Soccer Club is a 501c Non-Profit.


Pea Ridge Thunder Soccer Club

PO Box 1314, Pea Ridge, AR 72751


Email:  [email protected]




Pea Ridge Thunder Soccer Club
P.O. Box 1314 
Pea Ridge, Arkansas 72751

Email: [email protected]

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